Dr Hakan Demir’s clinic Certificated an International Health Tourism Center.

A facelift (rhytidectomy) is cosmetic surgery to lift up and pull back the skin to make the face tighter and smoother.

The procedure is designed to reduce flabby or sagging skin around the lower half of the face (mainly the jowls) and neck.

There are many different kinds of facelift, but generally I will:

  • make cuts (incisions) above the hairline at the temples that extend down in front of your ear, underneath your earlobe and behind the ear
  • make cuts under the chin if the jawline is also being lifted
  • always redistribute facial fat and tissue or add this to the face
  • remove the surplus facial skin
  • pull the remaining skin backwards and upwards before stitching it into its new position

A Deep Plane Face Lift (as the name says) indicates that part of the procedure is performed at a deeper level than conventional facelifts.  This is Dr. Demir’s go to facelift procedure.  Although social media makes it sound like it is a new procedure, surgeons have been performing this technique for decades.  The most important things about facelift surgery are patient safety and natural outcome and Dr. my deep plane facelift technique does both.

It usually takes 2 to 3 hours, and most people need to stay in hospital overnight.

deep plane face and neck lift


It takes about 2 to 4 weeks to fully recover from a facelift. You need to take this time off work.

Bruising is visible for at least 5 days. It could take up to 6 to 9 months to see the full effect of the facelift.

You will not be able to drive for a number of days after the operation – your surgeon would advise about this.

You will have to avoid showering and getting the bandages wet for the first 2 days, and avoid strenuous activity, saunas and massages for at least 2 weeks.

You also need to keep your head propped up with pillows for a couple of days while resting to reduce the swelling.



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Op. Dr. Hakan DEMİR

Dr Hakan Demir’s clinic Certificated an International Health Tourism Center.

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